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Our services

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Services for individuals

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For individuals, we offer 4 different programs, depending on your knowledge of LinkedIn and your goals.


  • Discovery" program (4-hour workshop)


Do you think social networking is a waste of time? You believe you are not part of any network? You think you spend too much time on your PC already?

This program will change your vision and help you not to be late with an innovation, by familiarizing you with the concepts of networking and social networks, and showing you their usefulness in the professional context.


  • LinkedIn Advanced" program (4 sessions of 2 hours interspersed with personal exercises)


You already have a LinkedIn profile and a small network, but you are neither really active on the network, nor really visible, and you feel that you are not exploiting the full potential of the tool?

At the end of the LinkedIn Advanced program, you will have a more impactful personal profile, you will be comfortable with the tool, and you will have understood the right way to use it effectively according to your personal goals, which we will help you define.


  • Vision" Program: Becoming an influencer in your community (12 hours) 


You already have a good command of the LinkedIn tool, which you consult regularly. You are an expert in your field but you communicate little, and your reputation is still limited outside your immediate network. Change your dimension and build an international image by developing your network in a targeted way, by publishing, commenting, animating or creating specialized groups: this is what the Vision Program will allow you to do.


  • New Challenge" Program (28 hours)


Due to an unwanted change of job (or an unwanted return to your country of origin), redundancy, or a departure abroad to follow your spouse, you are obliged to look for a new employer: our InPlacement program, perfected by 8 years of success in situations comparable to yours, is based on a rigorous methodology that will lead you step by step to the desired objective.

The entire program takes place over 8 months, in three stages.  

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Business services

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Our services are aimed at managers, individually or in groups (Executive Committee...), and at the company as a whole, for its corporate communication as well as for its specific needs.


* Benefits for managers


  • Understanding and using LinkedIn 


You already have a LinkedIn profile, probably a carbon copy of your CV, perhaps a significant number of contacts, but you are not an active user. Do you have a complete vision of everything this tool can bring you?

At the end of this training, you will be perfectly at ease in its use, and able to exploit it according to your personal objectives.  


  • Personal Branding of the manager


Your expertise is recognized within the company, but your impact is still limited. Change dimension and move on to the Personal Branding stage by becoming an influencer in your specialty, even beyond the borders: comment, publish, create or lead specialized groups. 


  • Outplacement / Inplacement


Because today's careers are no longer linear, in one and the same company, professional separations are frequent realities that often involve recourse to outplacement. At the end of outplacement we prefer INplacement, which better expresses our vision and our commitment to help the outgoing manager quickly find responsibilities that match his or her expectations. Our InPlacement program, perfected in 8 years of success in comparable situations, is based on a rigorous methodology that will lead step by step to the desired objective.

The entire program takes place over 8 months, in three stages.  


* Benefits for the company


  • Corporate communication strategy, tactics and implementation


In addition to the institutional or commercial website of the company, an active presence on social networks is essential today because it allows a dynamic communication, constantly updated, directly focused on the useful target(s).


If, according to these targets, the choice will be made on such or such social network, LinkedIn is the media to be privileged to be connected to the business world: follow the activities of its competitors, work on its employer brand, attract or look for talents to recruit, find partners or suppliers, make itself known to its potential customers, as many possible activities on LinkedIn at the price of very reduced investments. It is still necessary to know all these possibilities and to exploit them methodically...

Our experience in this field and our past in business make KiteUp a partner of choice, concrete and pragmatic.


Our approach is built in four phases:

        - Definition of the company's objectives, based on a SWOT analysis   

        - Corporate communication strategy and tactics

        - Operational implementation

        - Transfer of skills and training of internal teams, with the aim of making them autonomous.


  • Executive search and selection


LinkedIn represents a database of 800 million members, in all countries of the world, in all sectors of activity.

It is still necessary to know how to correctly profile potential candidates, contact them, and evaluate them remotely. Our experience allows us to do this efficiently, and to save you precious time in your talent searches. The systematic realization of a tailor-made assessment center and our remuneration based on success fees are additional guarantees for our clients.


  • Customized training


We also offer occasional training courses on request:


    - For the Human Resources Department :

         How to communicate to improve the employer brand of the company?

         The use of Sales Navigator for talent search and selection

    - For the Marketing/Communication Department :

         How to develop the number of followers in the company?

         How to become an influencer in its community?

         How to publish on LinkedIn to be seen and read?

    - For the Commercial Department .

          Search for partners, suppliers, customers with Sales Navigator

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