Allen Vernier
Directeur des Ressources Humaines, SNCF Italie, Milan
"Elisabeth m'a beaucoup aidé à développer notre marque employeur et à utiliser correctement LinkedIn pour des résultats tout à fait inattendus (de moi car en revanche elle savait parfaitement ce qu'on pouvait réaliser).
J'ai beaucoup appris aussi à titre personnel et là aussi ce fut une révélation. LinkedIn est un outil puissant mais qui, comme tous les réseaux sociaux, a ses propres règles. Elisabeth est un décrypteur, un catalyseur, un accélérateur qui exige beaucoup mais apporte encore plus. Elle accompagne avec douceur mais clairvoyance, y compris dans les moments de crise. Elle est aussi forte en stratégie qu'en tactique. Je souligne aussi qu'elle va toujours au bout des choses.
Bien que n'ayant pas testé ses autres services directement, je n'ai aucun doute qu'elle soit une aide précieuse pour toute personne qui cherche à faire évoluer son image, sa carrière ou à changer de pays."
Christophe Prat
Directeur General French Icon Brand Campari Group Mars 2020
"Elisabeth is a true expert in Linkedin she has strong insights onsearch strategy and is great coach. Her expertise can bring a lotto corporate as well as individuals. A great person to know andto work with."
Denis Martin
Architect, Project Director in the Hospitality Business, Myanmar
"Elisabeth has been coaching me for the improvement of my LinkedIn profile during the last months. She’s a great professional who knows perfectly how LinkedIn operates and her warm support has been essential for my branding improvement and and my network extension. My network is more focused now on people sharing my interests and passions.
Thank you again Elisabeth for your work, I highly recommend your work."
Maurizio Bernardi
Senior Partner at Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati, Milan Italy
« Elisabeth knows very well all the secrets of Linkedin, how you can use the tool to improve your profile, your network and, in fact, your career.
She can make you aware of a know-how which is neither intuitive nor easy to elaborate by yourself, and how you can take a real advantage in being on the network after her explanations.
After her advice on how to rebuild my profile, the visits of the same significantly increased. »

Chantal Palin Zanardi
Secrétaire générale at French Chamber of Commerce in Italy, Milan, Italy
« Elisabeth is an excellent speaker with a strong knowledge in Personal Branding, LinkedIn and Executive career Management. Early this year, we had the pleasure to welcome Elisabeth as a speaker to our members at the French Chamber of Commence & Industry in Italy. She shared incredible insight about online world for business. »

Stephane Eard
Business Development & Strategic projects Director, Milan, Italy
« I had the chance to work with Elisabeth in the last months. She really helped me understand the power of linkedin to improve my personal branding and to exploit the added values of linkedIn. With a very pragmatic approach Elisabeth helped me to reshape my own profile. Elisabeth has a true knowledge in executive coaching which together with her knowledge of LinkedIn really added value from the first interactions. I warmly recommend her. »

Sonali Das
Senior Attorney and Compliance expert, Chicago, USA
« Elisabeth is an extraordinary coach and skilled professional. She was highly recommended and I understand why. She provided constructive and effective feedback regarding my profile and resume. She also provided invaluable guidance on how to best position myself for a career transition. Her advice was spot-on and well-reasoned and I would not hesitate to consult with her in the future. »

Stefania Migliuolo
HBA EU CHAPTER- Marketing &PR Director, Milan, Italie
« Elisabeth is a great expert in career transition management and an excellent coach. My personal career management coaching with Elisabeth, showed up her competencies and passion: these combined together, have been the fuel to create a new professional strategy, a personal branding approach and advices to leverage and reinforce the professional network. Her talent is also in actively listening and in creating an empathic atmosphere, thus allowing fruitful and focused meetings.
The result is in a new vision of my carrier path and the confidence to move forward. »
Gwenola Michaud
Program Manager at Schlumberger, Cambridge, UK
« A big thank you to Elisabeth for our regular, thoughtful and productive meetings! They have been essential to manage the transition period I faced. I keep in mind the lessons learnt during this period for the next challenges. Thank you again! »
Anne-Laure Knellwolf-Cousin MD, MSc
Programme Portfolio Manager, Rome Italie
« La formation sur les réseaux sociaux pour dirigeants m'a permis de me sentir plus à l'aise avec la maitrise des outils et de valoriser mon profil. Elisabeth est une personne très enthousiaste, positive et de bon conseil. Sa disponibilité pour le suivi des participants après le cours est aussi très appréciable. »
Manuel Samakh
Finance Director, CFO, international, M&A, Paris, France
« Elisabeth est une grande connaisseuse des réseaux réels et virtuels et de la transition de carrière. Avec une approche très concrète et tournée vers les résultats, elle aide les cadres de haut niveau et les français expatriés à trouver un nouveau challenge et à exploiter les réseaux. Elle aide également les entrepreneurs à définir et mettre en place une stratégie d'utilisation des réseaux sociaux pour leur société. C'est une grande professionnelle et une personne très agréable »
Nicolas Amari
Managing Director - Business Advisor - Sales Expert, Milan, Italie
« My meeting with Elisabeth has been a very good surprise. I participated to a very interesting and pleasant workshop led by Kite Up and discovered valuable methods to improve both my personal branding and my company image. Elisabeth is a very clever consultant able to drive you in a new age of networking with a very high involvement in achieving results for her customers. I recommend Elisabeth to any manager aiming at making his profile on the net more attractive and developing new business and contacts for his company. »

Daniel Metivier
International Sales Director Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Milan, Italy
Business Virtual Networks (not only social) is a reality that I needed to discover and understand. Thanks to Elisabeth now I’m on track. Elisabeth is a knowledgeable consultant with many facets, able to guide professionals and companies alike into a specific Marketing Planning. She’s excellent in particular in opening your horizons to the digital age of communication for individuals.
Being very result Oriented Elisabeth her trainings are effective and time –efficient. She’s also a very kind person to know, energetic and with a broad culture.

Eric Ducourneau
CFO, Energy business, Paris, France
« Elisabeth est un prestataire de service sérieux, discret et totalement orientée client. Dynamique, elle sait vous communiquer son enthousiasme. Professionnelle, elle vous accompagne jusqu'au bout de la mission confiée. Un partenaire de qualité dans un secteur sensible... »

Laurent Castex,
Managing Director at LCC, Milan, Italy
“Elisabeth is a very structured & organized person and really helps you to keep the focus in the business jungle together with the constant positive attitude”

Danièle Gandelli
Business Unit Manager: OTC and COSMETIC industry, Lausanne, Switzerland
« Ce fut un plaisir de travailler avec vous d'une part pour votre grand professionnalisme tant dans le domaine du monde "obscur" de la recherche d' emploi tant pour vos connaissances approfondies des networking mais surtout pour votre dynamisme, charisme qui permettent à chacun de nous en recherche d'emploi de reprendre son statut au sein de la société et de repartir pare pour un nouveau futur »
Maryse François
Vice President, Technology & Solutions, General Electric, Paris
Elisabeth a su très rapidement me permettre de clarifier mes objectifs et me montrer tout l'intérêt de LindedIn.
Je la recommande fortement.
S. Carrera-Weber
Marketing and communications professional, Milan, Italy
« I would like to thank Elizabeth for her work and for the Outplacement services of her company Kite-Up, all this was excellent, useful and positive!!! Since our first meeting, I felt integrated into the professional Italian world and more motivated to start my job search. Thanks to her expertise and availability, I could not only have a better view of my professional background, but also work in detail every job experience to boost my career in a new market. Some examples of her advice include: knowing the latest trends and new strategies for finding a job, understanding cultural differences in employment (France, Italy and the United States), better use of professional and social networks, recommendations on the best recruitment companies and professional groups, improving my resume and preparation for job interviews, proving my skills. Elisabeth is also an expert in Linkedin and helped me to revive my profile. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Elisabeth's work and services »

Franck Gaudet
EMEA Sales Business Development Manager, Milan, Italy
« Travailler sur mon évolution de carrière avec Elisabeth a été à la fois un plaisir et très professionnel. Elle a une très bonne connaissance du marché global de l’emploi et est capable de véhiculer des messages complexes avec enthousiasme. Grâce à son expérience elle offre une gamme complète de solutions innovantes et efficaces pour gérer sa carrière et préparer les dirigeants à de nouveaux défis. »
F. Bollore,
EMEA Financial Planning Manager, Milan Italy
« Je cherchais du travail comme contrôleur financier quand j’ai rencontré Elisabeth. Elle a été très professionnelle, avec un grand sens pratique : adaptation de mon profil internet à la culture italienne, création d’un réseau dans les communautés française et italienne, simulation d’entretiens de recrutements avec des professionnels. Elle a très bien compris ce que je cherchais, mes défis. »

Emmanuel Texier,
Supply Chain, Procurement & Purchasing Director, Oil &Gas, Cameroon
« Thoughtful and inspiring! Elisabeth is definitely a master of networking on LinkedIn. She has the expertise in creating, building and strengthening business relationships on social networks. The valuable methods she shared with me are very useful. She helps you managing your profile as a brand so it appears as you really are. Working with Elisabeth is GREAT! »
Rodolfo Vargas Pérez
President & CEO, Consumer Goods Companies, Mexico City, Mexico
« I met Elisabeth back in November 2017. During the last 6 months she brilliantly helped me to transform my CV and LinkedIn profile from average to an outstanding level. Elisabeth is very well versed on how to fully exploit LinkedIn areas for your benefit. She understands very well the tools needed to optimize your information an turn it into an attractive professional story. I enjoyed very much working with Elisabeth and I'm very grateful for the knowledge that she provided to me. Looking forward to have an update with her in a near time soon. Thanks!! »

Guillaume Bourn,
Sale/Program Manager, Mexico City, Mexico
« I have worked with Elisabeth through professional workshops in Mexico. Elisabeth is always enthusiastic and positive in her approach and thanks to her broad international experience and great listening capabilities, she is able to quickly identify your competitive advantages on the local market place. Her LinkedIn expertise is an incomparable asset which allow quick and sound results. Thank you Elisabeth ! »

Isabelle Rouzou,
Operations Manager, Mexico City, Mexico
« Elisabeth conducted a webinar on LinkedIn that I found extremely valuable. She demonstrated a high degree of expertise and her presentation was clear and immediately actionable. Her style was open, inviting to questions and willingly gave her time to respond.
Elisabeth is extremely enthusiastic which is very encouraging.
I certainly would recommend her for any training, support, coaching on this topic »

Anne Trocme-Raynaud,
Executive Committee Member at CCI France Italy and Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship, Paris-Milan
« I can definitely recommend Elisabeth:
- firstly because she has got a deep knowledge of the specificities of the italian labour market (for example she knows how to twist your CV and adapt it to the local constraints)
- and also based on her contacts: Elisabeth has built over the years an extensive and personal network which can be of great help »

Ilaria Puerari,
Digital Marketing Manager- e commerce, Milan, Italy
« Elisabeth is a real expert in career transition management. With her structured, analytical and organized approach based on goals, actions and results technique, she helps her clients in building a professional strategy, a personal branding and an online/offline network. She is a good listener and an empathic person with strong intercultural skills and abilities to understand people, their skills and aspirations »
Alessia Pioltelli,
Media Supervisor & Communication Manager presso GTB, Milan, Italy
« Ho seguito con Elisabeth la giornata di Formazione sull'utilizzo dei Social Network specializzati nell'ambito professionale, per migliorare il profilo della propria azienda, dei suoi prodotti e dell'immagine di noi stessi.
Il seminario è molto utile anche a chi non è uno straniero in Italia, ma è interessato a capire le dinamiche dei social, la loro utilità, e soprattutto a massimizzarne l'efficacia.
Complimenti ad Elisabeth per la sua chiarezza, impegno, collaborazione. »
Florence Partouche
President France & Belgium, Exact Sciences
En quête d’une position plus internationale, j’ai eu recours aux services d’Elisabeth pour me construire une image forte et impactante, et la véhiculer au-delà des frontières. Je ne pouvais pas trouver meilleure experte LinkedIn. Belle rencontre et résultats exceptionnels: 4 mois de travail et une proposition venue tout droit de Californie! »