Experts in Professional Social Media
In just a few years, LinkedIn has become an essential media, which has totally changed the world of professional relationships, just as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter have done in the private sphere. We can rejoice or lament it, one thing is certain: we can't ignore it.
From now on, a company that doesn't communicate (or worse, that communicates poorly) on LinkedIn appears outdated and deprives itself of countless opportunities, attracting the best talents, discovering business opportunities or new partners for example.
Similarly, an executive who limits himself to publishing a basic profile on LinkedIn is about as visible as if he were in the phone book. To optimize his career path, it's no longer enough to be good at what you do, you have to make it known. Today there are more than 650 million professional profiles on LinkedIn: how to get yourself noticed in this ocean?
KiteUp is a consulting firm specialized in the exploitation of professional social networks. When it was created in 2010, KiteUp appeared as a curiosity, a little bit marginal. Trained in California, at UCLA, we were just precursors. Nearly ten years and a few hundred customers later, we have added experience to anticipation: our knowledge of LinkedIn media and its exploitation is total, our methodology is proven, our results spectacular.
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